We are here to help when…….


  • We are frustrated with the lack of supports at our school.

  • We spend hours on homework that should take thirty minutes.

  • Should we get my child tested?

  • What should we test for?

  • Is there help to pay for testing?

  • My child was tested – what is next? 

  • What resources are out there to help with cost?

  • My child has accommodations and an IEP but the school is not working with us because he/she is not failing.

  • My child does not qualify for an IEP or 504- what can we do?

  • Teachers are overwhelmed at my requests for accommodations. How can I help the teachers?

  • Should we go with a private tutor?

  • If so- where should we begin?

  • We are homeschooling- what curriculums are best for my child’s learning needs?

I am a mother of five children.  I know the emotions parents feel when their children are not working to potential due to learning/behavioral differences.

I know the feeling of being paralyzed because the options are so overwhelming.  Three of my five children are dyslexic, and two also have ADHD.  Our family has over 15 years personally working with our own children and advocating for them, and I have over 20 years in the Education field. I get it!

We have had to work hard to make sure that each of our children has been given appropriate and specific accommodation and services – either through schools or therapies.  We have also had to advocate for our children and , in turn, teach them to advocate for themselves.

We have homeschooled, used tutors, Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Physicians, Speech Therapists and even Naturopathic doctors. I have seen what works and what does not.  I truly want to help children become the best and most successful they can be!  It does not have to be hard. I will walk along with you!



Let us help your family-

1-Find Solutions

We will guide you in finding testing and resources that will ensure that your child is properly and thoroughly assessed. 

Once assessments start rolling in – We will help your family navigate and decide on the next steps. Therapies, tutors, schools, IEP, 504.  We will guide you and help you make sure your family is going to the right people who have a proven track record of success in working with children with your child’s particular needs.

What we do…..

2-Create a Path

We will help you understand your child’s diagnosis. We will work with you, and teachers, to formulate accommodations that make sense -using concrete evidence from assessments. We are also able to guide you in grants and scholarships that might be able to help with financing school, therapies and tutoring. 

3- Advocate

We will advocate for you and your child.  We will attend meetings at schools or with teachers to help them understand your child’s diagnosis and make sure that best practices are being followed. We will also work with teachers to help them make accommodations easier to follow and not so overwhelming.  We have been on both sides.

We will be your advocate and sounding board! 

4- Tutoring

I offer one on one and small group tutoring as needed for reading/writing and Math up to 6th grade using Orton Gillingham and Wilson Reading system

I also tutor high school reading/writing and literature.

5-College Essay polishing

I have worked with many students over the years polishing and assisting with the college essay progress. I will help make the essay process seamless and I know what it takes to get the essays to stand out to colleges. My goal is to show the best version of a student while making a strong impact of interest in the particular college. Details and organization are the key!

6. Curriculum consulting

If you are homeschooling a child with learning differences, you will see that not all curriculums are suited to your child’s needs. I homeschooled for over five years and have been working with homeschoolers for over 10 years. I did a ton of research to find the right curriculum for my children. I can help you do the same! There are so many out there and not all curriculums are created for children with learning differences.

7. Small learning groups

I offer small group instruction at my home for reading/writing and executive functioning skills.


  • Dyslexia is a large umbrella and every child expresses differently! It is not merely backwards letters / numbers (although it can be..) Here are some red flags:

    • difficulty spelling

    • difficulty decoding/sounding out words

    • low visual memory

    • difficulty finding rhyming words

    • slow reading

      This is a wonderful website to help as a guide for parents.


  • The only way a specific learning disability can be identified is through a comprehensive evaluation.

    A full-scale educational psychological evaluation is the only way that a child can be properly diagnosed with a specific learning disability. The evaluation will consist of many different tests to look at: speech, social, receptive and perceptive processing, word attack skills and a broad IQ test. It is important to go to someone who is knowledgeable and experienced.

  • The earlier your child is evaluated; the faster accommodations can begin. Early intervention is crucial. It takes time to get testing, meetings, IEPs etc.

    “Accurate diagnosis is the key to receiving evidence-based intervention and appropriate accommodations. Accurate diagnosis of dyslexia will pinpoint the problem and help children get the appropriate evidence-based reading instruction to be successful in school. Importantly, diagnosis is required for students to qualify for accommodations in school and on high-stakes tests such as SATs, ACTs and state exams.”

    -Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity

    It is important to get a paper trail started. To receive accommodations for SAT, ACT and AP exams- you have to show a history of SLD (specific learning disability) And most of the time at least three years of history. This includes specific documentation of all testing. It is not easy! The more paperwork you can show- the better!


  • Here is a great resource on your rights:



    Parents should be aware of two important Federal laws: 1) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; 2) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

    “Section 504 entitles children with a disability such as dyslexia to a public education comparable to that provided to children who do not have a disability.

    IDEA is more specific, mandating “a free, appropriate, public education in the least restrictive environment” to dyslexic students attending public schools. As part of IDEA, students with dyslexia must receive services designed to meet their needs free of charge. It is important that parents know that “dyslexia” is mentioned specifically in IDEA.According to the IDEA, the determination of whether or not to test a child for dyslexia is made jointly by the child’s parents and a team of qualified professionals, which must include: 1) The child’s regular teacher; and 2) At least one person qualified to conduct individual diagnostic examinations of children, such as a school psychologist, speech-language pathologist, or remedial reading teacher.Together, this team will review the child’s achievement in the areas of oral expression, listening comprehension, written expression, basic reading skills, reading fluency skills, reading comprehension, mathematics calculation and mathematics problem solving. The IDEA says that if the child is receiving appropriate instruction for his grade level, but isn’t making progress in meeting age or state-approved grade-level standards in these areas or is exhibiting strengths and weaknesses within the areas, the group will determine an appropriate method of evaluation for a specific learning disability such as dyslexia.

    The IDEA lays out that once it has been determined that the child is not achieving at grade level, the team must decide to either use documentation from observation and monitoring of routine classroom; or have at least one professional member of the team conduct an observation of the child in his or her regular classroom setting. At this point, parental consent will have to be obtained, and an evaluation referral will need to be made.”

    taken from Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity

  • This is a great resource for the “roadmap” to an IEP.


  • This is a great resource!



From the very beginning, I’ve been an educator , a writer and a people-person. I graduated from Meredith College with a BA in English and certification to teach K-6.  I started my career teaching second grade in Raleigh NC, but I quickly realized that I wanted to follow my passion to help students beyond the classroom as a reading tutor-this became my goal. Although, I took a “break” from teaching with the birth of my first daughter, I truly missed being in the classroom- collaborating, working with kids, and working with families!

Three of our five children are dyslexic and two are also ADHD. (the irony is not lost on me…. God is funny like that!) Joe and I have had to learn very quickly the ins and outs of everything involving IEPs, accommodations, testing, and all of the services involved. Although I am small- I am mighty! I have learned very quickly the art of fine tuning and advocating for our children! And even more importantly, the importance of having the right people to assist my children and help us on our path. Much of life is about connections and I am blessed to have made amazing ones in my journey as an educator and parent.

My husband, Joe, and I have five amazing kids , two dogs, six chickens, two guinea pigs, and a house full of chaos. When I am not watching my kids play hockey (all five play!! and my husband coaches several of their teams ) I am probably hanging out with friends, walking, or having a glass of wine with my husband. I love my faith, food , wine, reading, my family, hockey, and advocating for children. Two of our children were adopted from foster care and they have also been a catalyst in my journey! love every minute of our crazy lives.

I have been in the Education world for over twenty years. I am trained in Orton-Gillingham and Wilson Reading Systems and have tutored privately and in Title 1 schools as a volunteer. I have taught in the classroom grades ranging from Pre-K to 6th grade and have homeschooled my children. I am a huge proponent of “do what works for you” and every child has individual needs. Our family does not push Straight A’s or a perfect score. However, all children should be given every opportunity to reach their God-given potential.

Qualifications and Certifications

Meredith College

  • BA English Writing Composition and Literature

  • Certification to teach K-6 in NC

  • trained through Augustine Project in Wilson and Orton Gillingham

  • 20 plus years of teaching /tutoring/ advocating with families in both private and public school settings

  • Certified Foster parent with trauma informed training through Crossnore Home for Children

  • volunteer in WS/FC as a tutor in Title one schools

  • Certified parent partner through Family Services Network NC

  • Mom of five !

  • member of National Association of Special Education Teachers

  • Board member at St Leo the Great Catholic School

  • Board member for Decoding Dyslexia NC


  • When I had questions about how to get help for my child who was struggling academically, I turned to Greta. No one I know has more knowledge, insight and experience navigating the world of learning differences and interventions. In addition, Greta has always had a true passion to help children and finds countless ways to be of service to them. Her winning combination of mind AND heart for this invaluable work makes her 100% my top recommendation for support and advocacy for any family dealing with these issues.

    Jennifer Waugh

  • I have known Greta Argenta for over 16 years as both a friend and as an advocate. She is experienced in education and is truly passionate about kids. Greta helped me advocate for my dyslexic daughter and get her accommodations in place. Watching her fight for her own children, and her foster children also encouraged me to become a GAL for foster kids in Forsyth County. She will fight with you and for your child to get the help they deserve. I love that Greta has my back and a voice for helping kids!

    Jennifer Fulford

  • Greta started working with our son over the summer 2023. He was going into 3rd grade, we had previously established an IEP in 1st grade but by the end of 2nd, realized more was going on than the schools review wGreta as showing. I was incredibly stressed, knowing our son needed additional assistance, but not know exactly what was needed, and I did not know where to turn to in order to get what he needed. My husband found her through the Business Facebook. We had a first consult and it’s been amazing ever since. Greta has been the biggest blessing in the last few months! She is so very knowledgeable AND helpful. My son loves tutoring with her, and I LOVE the support and personalized time and care she spends to provide relative experience and understanding.

    Angela Hines

  • Mrs. Greta Argenta worked with our sweet little girl over the summer for reading skills and comprehension. She’s incredibly patient, so loving, and was able to engage my daughter and get her excited about reading. Her knowledge as a teacher and a parent were a perfect combination for our daughter. We highly recommend her to anyone looking for a private tutor!

    Maria Tsipras


All services will be pre-paid via venmo

Initial Consultation


One hour meeting

One typed document with referrals and plan moving forward

- You are worried about a struggling child.  Your gut is saying something is wrong, but you need guidance.

·      One meeting where we will discuss concerns and come up with a plan of action. In this meeting:

·  I will give referrals and consult you in the best direction to go for your family.

I will provide you with several referrals for psychological testing that I have seen the best results.  All testing is NOT alike and more expensive does not equate to better testing.

·  I will create a typed “map”/plan of our meeting for you keep


Tutoring Services

$ 60 for one hour

$50 for 45 minutes

billed following services rendered

Homeschool Curriculum Consulting

  • $50

  • hourly rate billed through venmo

  • Most consultations will include two hours:

  • 1 hour discussion about curriculums and your child’s learning needs.

  • 1 hour to include a write up detailing everything discussed and next steps for family.

Hourly Rate for advocacy and consulting

$60/an hour

hourly rate will be billed following services rendered through Venmo. The hourly rate includes- in person meetings and zoom calls.